Friday, April 17, 2009

The sun is shining on the sunny side!

The sun is finally shining and that means no more wacky Internet, or at least till the next rainy day. This is an exciting time to be here in this area. Tomorrow is Thunder over Louisville (which by the way the best view is in Indiana because you get to see the Louisville sky line as the backdrop for the fireworks.)

I have scrap booking tonight. I have to get organized and decide what I am doing tonight.

Also while my Internet was being a see-saw, I got to get some pictures saved of non Heritage Makers items to post. So you get to see what I create outside of Heritage Makers.

I have to admit my confidence in my paper crafting is not as firm as my confidence in my digital designs. That is one reason I am not as apt to post them. However it was my intent to have a blog that was about my creating not just my digital creating. so here it goes.

I am in a "card swap" on one of the boards I am on. I chose "Get Well Soon" cards. I picked those because I love my new stamp set from Stampin Up called "Thoughts and Prayers." (BTW quick and shameless plug, if you are interested in these stamps or any other Stampin Up products and don't have a Stampin Up demo, Shelley Nanney is a great Demo and you can find her blog in my list of links..)

I started my cards and 1/2 through learned that my grandmother was in the hospital and I opted to make an extra one for her. Then I debated making another one. I knew my Shelley my Stampin Up Demonstrator was not feeling well, but I didn't know if it was a cold or what. So i thought if it was something minor she could be better before she got the card. Well later that night I learned she is really sick, so I am really glad I opted to make her a card.

Ok enough blabbing here are the cards and the details...

The patterned paper is a Designer series paper that was free with a $50 order during Salebration that has ended. It was called Delicate Dots. The ribbon is from a ribbon share I participated in with Shelly. They are 2 of this years 7 "in colors". Every year Stampin up has 7 colors that are only around for 1 year. So forgive me I don't tend to learn many of the in color names. I am too busy trying to build up my selection of the constant colors to focus on the in colors right now. I did have some paper from the in colors that Shelley gave me when I had my party. As a gift she gave me one sheet of each of the 7 colors. Then on the swap cards I used cheap white card stock (I save my nice Stampin Up paper for people I know...) I used Certainly Celery for the greeting and the flower. Then I had some blue ice stickles that I put on the flowers to give it a little something. Dazzling diamonds would have also looked really nice there but I don't have any Dazzling Diamonds right now. I have been borrowing my daughter's and decided I shouldn't borrow her supplies for a card swap.

Inside it says something along the lines Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. That was also stamped with Certainly Celery.

The base of the card I am most excited about. I have texture plates for my Big Shot (plug again, Stampin Up also sells the Big Shot, the texture plates along with a set of Stampin Up exclusive plates that is on my extensive wish list...) Well I had already cut and folded my cards. I was trying to figure out how to add some texture and wasn't sure where or how. Then I opted to try the base card. I ran the folded card through the Big Shot with the texture plate. Oh it turned out so nice. I just love it when an idea comes together like this card did.

I hope they brighten the day of the people that get them.

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