Sunday, April 5, 2009

Productive day...

I was so productive yesterday. Unfortunately I paid for it today. I started out working on 20 cards for a card swap. I picked 20 birthday cards for a girl. I made 20 Hello Kitty birthday cards using my Cricut, Hello Kitty Greetings and the Happy Birthday stamp from the Itty Bitty Birthday Stamping Up set. In return I will get 20 cards that other people make. This is a great way to build a collection of cards to send out. In fact from another card swap I did, I have 20 Easter Cards to mail out on Monday. Well I am not going to send out 20 but I have 20 t0 choose from.

I didn't do anything with Heritage Makers yesterday. I also had a "Date Night" with my husband. Our church hosted a "Date Night." They watched the kids for free. Joe and I figured it out that we had not had a meal in a restaurant without kids in 10 years! That was 3 kids ago. So we went to dinner. If they do another one we decided we are going to a movie. We have not gone to a movie together without kids since we went and saw Star Wars II Attack of the Clones.

Ok I didn't get a chance to post a picture of my cards since I wasn't feeling well today. I just overdid yesterday. This Blog entry has been open for about 6 hours, so I am going to post it as it and post a picture tomorrow. I am really trying to keep up with one blog entry a day.

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