Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We are having a sale and I am so excited. I am not allowed to post prices online but let's just say it is our 8x8 that is on sale and it is exciting. Also we are having a selling blitz later this month. In honor of our president going into remission with his cancer. Last year on April 24th and 25th he had a major health scare. To celebrate his recovery we are having a blitz.

If I do $500 in sales, have 2 celebrations and sign up 10 new customers I get a special charm for my charm bracelet. I really am excited about this. Since the 25th is a Saturday I am trying to have 2 parties on that day.

So if you can host a celebration for me, I would love to come to your house. I have 3 open time slots on the 25th and one on the 24th.

Also I am going to start doing design services. So stay tuned for designs I make being available.

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