Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reunion and Mother's day

I am so excited today. I was pricing how much it will cost me to fly to Reunion in September. I told my husband I want to no matter what. He is such a good husband he said he would like to see that happen. Well if I can get the prices on Southwest I found today (which varies but should happen) it will be $256 to fly to Las Vegas. YAY! Reunion is Heritage Maker's annual convention. This year it is in Las Vegas at the Flamingo. I can't wait. If you want to join me, you have to be a consultant, but this is a great company, a great event, and a great time to join. I would love to have you join me in this. I will learn more details about the "Race to Reunion" later this month and I am excited. Ok how many times can I use the term excited? I think you get the point. I promise I will look in the thesaurus before I post on this topic again so I don't overwhelm you with the same word over and over.

Ok on to mother's day. I am going to share Design #2 of my Mother's day cards.

This is almost exclusively a Stampin Up card. The paper is all Stampin Up. It is Real Red, with Whisper White. The ribbon is the In Color ribbon color Pacific Blue. A reminder that the In Colors are 7 colors that Stampin Up has for one year only. Come July 1, this color will be gone and 7 new In Colors will take their place. So if you like these colors contact your Stampin Up Demo before June ends. If you don't have a Demo, there is a link to my Demo, Shelley Nanney's, blog. On her blog she has her website.

The stamps that I used are the Flight of the Butterfly set, and an acrylic stamp that I got on clearance at Joann's. I love the Flight of the Butterfly. It didn't catch my eye in the catalog or online until used it at a stamp camp. Then I knew I had to have it. It is a 2-step stamp set but I opted not use the outline around the other butterflies. The colors of the inks I used were Real Red and Brocade Blue.

The texture that I did was with my Big Shot (available from Stampin Up) and a texture plate that I have (not a SU one.) I love doing the texture on my cards now. I have one more Mother's day design that I have to post. So look to seeing that in the future.

BTW--- And Their Off--- Thunder Over Louisville went off wonderfully last night. My youngest daughter was so excited she would look out the window, look at the TV, look out the window. We can see the highest fireworks from the house. She was really upset at the sound at first, until I showed here how pretty the fireworks were. Then the noise didn't bother her, she was more excited about the "pretties." She was so upset when it ended. I think she will be going down to the river in a few years. My middle daughter still has not gone down because the noise bothers her. So maybe in a year or two she will get to go.

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