Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Digi Crop night!!!

My first Digi crop night is set! Thursday May 7th from 6:30-9:00. You can come any time during that time frame. The first Digi Crop is going to be at my house, while I look for a location that we can go to.

From 6:30-7:00 I am going to have a class on how to get started with Studio for those new to Heritage Makers Studio. The theme is going to be Mom. What that means I would love to hear your favorite story about mom. There will be small gift to the one with the best story as decided on by those attending the crop. So start thinking about a story about mom or someone that you look to like a mom.

I am really excited to have a chance for people to get together and share their ideas for projects they are working on. In order to be able to work on your project you need to bring a laptop, or reserve a laptop/computer from me. I have 2 computers available for use, so make sure you reserve your spot early to ensure you get one.

I will provide a snack , but ask you bring your own drink . So come and have fun and work on your projects.

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