Thursday, April 23, 2009

Recent projects

Ok since I am gearing up for my Celebration Rally weekend, I am going to show of some recent Heritage Makers projects.

First is a poster, I made for my middle daughter. She was so jealous of the poster I made her older sister


I just love this. She is so sweet looking. We have problems getting pictures of her because she hates the attention.

Next are a few pages from my son's book. It was so exciting when his book arrived. I can not wait to do more books. The red lines show where you can't see because it gets cut off. So ignore them. That is why I had not posted the pictures yet because I have not had the time to edit them yet to not see the red lines.

Ok there is just a sample of what I have in Stephen's book. The Rolling Pin page is on one of my favorites is because to be honest that is what Heritage Makers is all about. There I tell the story of my family's glass rolling pin. Also I write about how we would make cookies with my grandmother every year and the importance of that event. I also wrote how we shared that tradition with my kids when we went for a visit. How we even let Stephen put his hands on the rolling pin and took his picture. That is what we do. We save those stories. We preserve those memories for you and your family.

So I have ask, what story does your family need you to tell? Every story deserves a book of it's own, and you can create yours.

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